Untitled #1 (black)
Untitled #1 (blue)
Title: Untitled #2 (blue)
Vicky Hoffman
Artist Statement
Definition as noun: a feeling of surprise mingled with admiration, caused by something beautiful, unexpected, unfamiliar, or inexplicable.
As I sketch, draw and paint without a charted place to go, I wander and wonder. My observations of nature appear to have a psychological hold on me and end up informing my work with an interpretation that is both visual and minimal. The intended outcome is mysterious and provocative. I wonder how the core of the earth might look and feel.
My recent work is a reflection of this drift of wonderment. I continue to be intrigued by this majestic planet – from the air and beneath the surface. My aim is to offer an environment that provides a different perspective on life. Is it possible to invent a new world?