In Between
Stephanie Irey
Artist Statement
When I was 5, my kindergarten teacher marked a big red F on one of my coloring projects. She then hung it on the wall for all to see. That was the moment that I stopped listening to the voice inside me. I turned her off, tucked her away and proceeded to ignore her for 50 years! While she struggled to be heard during all those years and whispered to me through ceramics, photography, knitting and a life long love of cooking…she never was loud enough for me to say ARTIST! During the pandemic, I had a lot of time to be quiet, to reflect and to open my heart to her whispers. A STRONG desire emerged to paint. With no formal training and a lifetime of telling myself I was not creative or artistic…I ventured into a new season of my life. Following a year of painting everyday, consuming art as if it were my last meal, she said “It’s time.” Time to share my work and announce to the world that I am an ARTIST!