Never Ending Dusk
Left a Mark
Lost Boats
Rajiv Khilnani
Artist Statement
Rajiv is an award winning artist with multiple shows to his credit. Growing up in South Asia has had a major influence on his work, shaping not only subject matter, but also his color palette. He particularly enjoys creating works restricted to 2 or 3 dominant colors; using line, shape, design, contrast, and texture as his main creative elements. For his monochromatic work he won “Award of Excellence” in the Abstract category at Triton Museum’s state wide competition.
In 2011, his work was accepted to a juried show, at Sandra Lee Gallery in San Francisco. In 2015 he won “Best Abstract” work award in the OPEN juried show organized by FALC.
Rajiv recently moved to West Hollywood. He is looking forward to connecting with the LA art community.