Mantel of Power
So What?
Pam Farkas
Artist Statement
Pam’s love and talent for self-expression and freedom coalesce into her striking ceramic artistic creations. Some of her pieces have arrived unannounced during moments of calm or excitement, when a balance seemed to be reached between her feeling, thinking and acting. She enjoys the challenges that clay enables - the frustrations and the rewards.
Her process encompasses the notion of working “with” the clay, rather than “on” the clay as she forms her sculptural pieces. She knows that following an evolving shape is vastly preferable to struggling with it. She accepts that the fire of the kiln will have the final say in her glazed endeavors. Consequently, each of her pieces is totally unique.
Her creations are never seemingly “perfect.” They are not exactly symmetrical, nor completely round, hard-edged or smooth. As in life, they feel the weight and pull in many directions and find their own destiny. The undulating flows, cracks, ripples and fissures all enhance their own identity.
Sometimes Pam mixes different color clays and leaves them partially glazed or not even glazed, leaving an earthy rough surface. All of her work reflects the fusion of her energy and the clay’s gravitational intentions. Some of her sculptures appear to have been shaped by nature or directly inspired by meaningful encounters with nature which originate from her father’s influence of appreciating the inherent beauty in our natural world.
Pam hopes that those who acquire her sculptures will integrate them into their homes and lives and appreciate the energy that she has used to create them.