Big Apple
Nest Egg
Mick Bacich
Artist Statement
Mixed Media: Exploded gunpowder, canon fuses, encaustic wax, vine charcoal and archival inks
An explosion has it’s own energy force which creates a unique footprint on the canvas. Excitement is created from this process, but it takes away some ofmy control. The subject being presented is my idea and I create the composition. But, when I introduce the gunpowder and fuses, I am then delegated to the position of director, not creator. Once the explosion or burn is complete, I am once again the master of the piece and I can expand on or embellish the magic that has been created by the gunpowder or fuse. There is a boldness of black versus white and a looseness in the smoke trail or flame that can burn a track of color. It’s exciting to get results and create something unique from a medium that resists control.