Corporate war memorial
imagined west
Cardboard city detail 2
McPherson (Mac Maker) Downs
Artist Statement
McPherson (Mac Maker) Downs is best known for his fully immersive whimsical environments. He is a self-taught sculptor, assemblage, and interactive installation artist.
“From my early childhood on, I have been supported to follow my artistic inclinations and incarnations, the day I was first handed crayons the walls of our home became my canvas”. – Mac Maker
Mac Maker’s background in Production Design, custom fabrication, theatrical design and fully immersive environments have greatly influenced his path and approaches.
“My creations primarily consist of found, familiar, and re-purposed materials… often urban-foraged and indigenous to the streets of the greater Los Angeles area. I am constantly exploring the hidden dialogue of found objects, how these familiar items, like totems, unconsciously connect our spirits to emotions and memories. I am exploring these materials, their meanings and the unique conversations that exist in uniting them.
“I often see these creations as story-telling machines and smile generators that stimulate, engage, and activate the participants of my work.”
His work is driven by an innate passion to teach fun as a responsibility as well as bringing voice to the most pressing issues of our times.