In Spanish, the word "to wait" is the same as the word "to hope"... esperar

Several months before you were born, I married a man who wasn't your father


Lynden Cline

Artist Statement

According to The Washington Post “…Cline’s surreal sculptures are a combination of Alice in Wonderland and Franz Kafka.”

I create narrative sculptures which center around issues of personal identity and family. Having a complicated and painful history, it is difficult to assign specific meaning. A curator called my works metaphors for my emotional history. I view all as self-portraits, autobiographical. As is typical, I start making an element, not knowing why or what I will do with it - just experimenting with the material. A chair. A tree. A circular shape which I begin to see as a link and then a chain.

Years ago, I was drawn to metal, but sure that I could never have what it takes to work in it. But I felt its energy and its depth. But I now find joy in manipulating steel – the noise, the heat, the sparks, the challenge. The physical act of translating feelings into structure is a valuable part of my process. It takes strength from me and gives me strength in return.






