LAAA Exhibition
Rules & Guidelines
Your membership with LAAA and entry into its exhibitions constitutes agreement with these terms and conditions set forth in the below guidelines and membership agreement. It is in the best interest of each artist member to comply with these guidelines.
Submissions for Group Shows:
To participate in group shows at Gallery 825 on La Cienega, artists can submit up to 2 pieces. Submission is done either digitally online or drop off of original work at the gallery. The assigned guest juror or exhibition committee then selects works.
Group shows/ Call for Artists will be announced to the artist members by email. We use Constant Contact to send gallery & show announcements. If you change your email let us know.
Occasionally there are select LAAA group shows offsite, which require digital submissions or submissions by printouts. Details are sent up to one month before deadline.
To be eligible for submission to all LAAA group shows, you must submit your work by the requested deadline. Deadline dates are firm. The deadline dates are available on the website and in the call for entries email. If you miss the deadline, your work will not be eligible.
Members will receive their results for group exhibitions via email.
Accepted artwork must be dropped off at the assigned location on the requested date and time. If work is not dropped off at the assigned location on the dates and times requested, the work will not be eligible to be in the show.
Artists participating in group shows are strongly advised not to contact the jurors directly before the jurying process regarding the exhibition.
Entry implies agreement with all conditions, dates and other regulations, including the right of LAAA to photograph any accepted entry for any purpose related to the exhibition.
Any work, that has not been sold, must be picked up at the close of the exhibition. Work that has not been picked up after one month after an exhibition closing becomes property of the LAAA.
Solo Shows and Mentoring Exhibitions:
Artists must be in good standing to be eligible to submit for a solo show.
Artists are eligible to apply for a solo show once every 2 years (24 calendar months must pass between solo shows)
You must be an LAAA member artist for one full year before you can submit for a solo show.
Artist members who are exhibiting in a solo show at Gallery 825 are not eligible to submit for a concurrent group exhibition at Gallery 825.
Solo show submissions are due in August or September for the following calendar year. The solo show application can be downloaded from our website
A solo show orientation will be available in July or August, before the solo show submission deadline.
Mentoring exhibitions are held at Gallery 825. LAAA's mentoring program allows LAAA’s artists to collaborate and learn alongside celebrated artists and other luminaries outside the art world.
Artists may only participate in mentoring exhibitions once every 3 years.
Delivery and Return of Work:
No shipped original work will be accepted, unless special arrangements have been approved. All works must be hand delivered, unless otherwise specified.
LAAA will not be responsible for wrapping or mailing your work to be returned.
LAAA is not responsible for packing materials left at the gallery. Artists must unpack their work at drop off and take all their packing materials with them.
Work must be picked up on scheduled pick up date. LAAA will charge $5 per day per piece for works not collected on the assigned day. Works not picked up within 30 days will become property of LAAA.
All sign-in information must be printed clearly. The gallery does not hold itself responsible for misspellings if the information is not clear.
All work must be labeled on the back with: artist’s name, title, media and year.
Artwork Specifications:
Work must be prepared and presented in a professional manner.
Paintings submitted must be dry. No exceptions.
Artwork cannot be shown or submitted more than once at Gallery 825, if it has already been selected and shown in a LAAA show. However, you can submit work previously submitted, but not selected for a group show (it is beneficial to keep a log of the works that you have shown at each of the galleries).
Work that has been in a LAAA group show cannot be submitted for a solo show.
Work that has been exhibited in an exhibition may be submitted again ONLY for LAAA benefit auction or special offsite events.
Work must be current. Work must have been completed within the last three years to be considered eligible for an exhibition.
All decisions of the jurors/curators are final.
All framed works must be presented in a professional manner.
Artwork and frames must be clean and in good condition.
All two dimensional framed work must be equipped securely for hanging, and must be able to maintain the weight of the piece.
All works on paper must be framed or under protective coating: glass or Plexiglas. If works on paper are not framed the artist must supply appropriate hanging equipment suitable to support their work.
Box canvases may be hung without frames, but must have finished edges and must supply appropriate hanging equipment suitable to support their work.
Sculpture should be securely attached to a base. No top heavy or unstable works will be accepted.
The artist must install any fragile works, pieces difficult to handle or complex installations. Works must be installed on LAAA’s scheduled installation date. LAAA’s installers are available to help.
All works will be offered for sale.
The gallery commission on sales of work at Gallery 825 is 40% (unless otherwise specified).
The gallery commission on sales of work outside of Gallery 825 or for a fundraiser, collaborative or special exhibition will be announced on a case-by-case basis.
Payment to artists will be mailed within 45 days after the close of the show.
Any sales that arise as a result of an exhibition, for up to 6 months after the show’s closing, or as a result of LAAA staff at anytime, will be conducted through LAAA and commission will still be applicable. However, if any pieces created by an LAAA member are shown in other venues, the gallery will not take a commission.
LAAA may advise on pricing.
LAAA exhibits: painting, drawing, printmaking, mixed media, assemblage, sculpture, photography, video, digital art, & installation art. LAAA does not accept craft or functional art.
Video artists must send a DVD per entry. All videos should be cued for viewing for the jurors. Accepted video artists must provide their own equipment (monitors, DVD players, cords, cables).
LAAA staff must be instructed on how to turn on and off video installations.
All reasonable care will be taken with original artwork. Neither LAAA, its officers, staff, volunteers, nor anyone connected to the exhibition or organization is responsible for loss or damage (including accidental breakage), however caused.
LAAA will promote all programming through our large e-mail list. Press releases will be sent to LAAA's press list.
All artist-created press materials must be approved by LAAA Staff and must include the LAAA/Gallery 825 (logo will be provided upon request.)
All Solo Show artists are encouraged to send out their own press packets and materials to their personal lists.
Artist Registry for the Gallery:
Each artist member can provide, in a large envelope or folder, up to 10 digital prints or professional photographs, a resume/bio or artist statement, a list of prices, media and dimensions.
It is the responsibility of the artist to update the registry periodically (every 6 months to a year.)
All LAAA members have a responsibility to volunteer 8 hours annually to the organization.
Members may opt out of Volunteering by paying an additional $80 in yearly membership dues.