Layered (002)
Layered Dissociation (Red 001)
Kylah Strickland
Artist Statement
Rather than telling the audience what it is they need to see, the subjectivity of individualism is what will make it worthy, increasing the dynamic we share. What you don’t see is not necessarily nonexistent. I want you to question what is and what is meant to be. Rarely ever predetermined, spontaneity can be seen in many of my pieces I rather break the rules of academia (which I have no formal training in either way) letting my soul take the wheel and rage on a blank canvas.
I enjoy the expression of color but understand the lack of it holds its own sense of beauty. It is also a way for me to explore the range of possibilities allowed through subtle changes in color choice, composition, the method of application, surface preparation, etc. I have no interest in using my art to represent imagery or direct aspects from the real world. I translate this into a painting by building off of the random. Sometimes resulting in layers upon layers of force and resistance, rules and omissions, acceptance and refusal, other times no layers at all.