Ascending Intervals
Kira Vollman
Artist Statement
I am a visual artist, a sound artist, and a scavenger. I explore the possibilities and reinvention of discarded “junk”. Deconstruction as construction, and the process of thought as architecture, are featured throughout my practice. I find inspiration rummaging through scrap yards, surplus stores, thrift stores, remnants from a film shoot, and trash at the side of the road. Incorporating traditional mediums such as painting, sculpture, photography and sound with my found ‘treasures’, I give this ‘trash’ its second lease. What was once ignored is now re-purposed and transformed. Much of my work is three-dimensional. Some of my work is sonic-interactive. As a visual artist and a sound artist my creative process is the same, only the tools differ. I see these separate mediums as parts of a whole. Creating sculptures and installations that engage interaction, the viewer becomes something more than ‘audience’. You are now a participant…or perhaps…a co-conspirator.