Old Women on the Shore
Kay Zetlmaier
Artist Statement
My art is the sincere, authentic interpretation of my thoughts, memories, and emotional reactions to our natural environment. “The more personal, the more universal,” an adage from the theater world, exemplifies the connection I want to create between my work and the viewer.
The duality of structure and fragility is in my work but also personifies my “self”. it is my intent to meld this content into my work by using the natural environment as my source. I have always been interested in land wonders, cultures, and the sea. Formal aspects of my work include a wide variety of textures, organic and geometric shapes, line and color.
I use cold wax medium mixed with oil paint and applied with brayers, squeegees and pallet knives. I often scrape, print, dig, compress and add particulates during the painting process. Applying many layers of this mixture in a multitude of ways allows me to achieve complex surfaces of luminous color that invite attention and exploration.