The Cosmic Soul (spinning around it's own Axis)
Dreaming with Angels
Before the Throne (there was a sea like crystal)
Doro Hofmann
Artist Statement
I paint hyper realistic, excessive and kaleidoscopic paintings with much detail in oil on canvas, pencil on paper, monotypes and I build installations.
While my earlier work circled more around political juxtapositions, my recent paintings are more poetic. I create mysterious worlds and galaxies with exploding crystals and fractured diamond shapes. I portray beautiful women taken from fashion magazines, depicted as Fallen Angels, inhabiting these universes.
I strive to explore vanity and desire, beauty and decay, the spirit and physical worlds in these paintings, drawing inspiration from present-day media, byzantine icons, the
works of John Milton, pop culture books like the "Fallen" series by Lauren Kate and through songs by Emmit Fenn, The XX and Hansu Jot. In my current Cosmic Soul series, I am also exploring what feels to me like a global awakening of a desire for the world to change and to be in a different place; as our past 2000 + years old ways of living and especially these of the past 70 years have let to unsustainibility, hardships and havoc on our planet, in a desire to escape the overwhelming situation we like to look to the stars.