Darlyn Susan Yee
Artist Statement
I create fiber-based socially engaging figurative sculptures and installations to
engage the viewer to explore the relationship between materials and form. I
recontextualize the more feminized traditions and practices of fiber art inverted
through the use of industrial materials to explore issues of gender identity, sense of
place and purpose, and cultural identity and commonality. My recent focus is on
repurposing and up-cycling materials using traditional fiber techniques to create
installations of exaggerated clothing, and temporary public art displays.
I manipulate texture and form through style combinations including hand knotting,
knitting and manually altered machine knitting techniques with crochet. The more
compliant fiber materials I use include cotton, wool, mohair, linen, lurex, acrylic,
nylon yarns and cotton string and rope. Mastering traditional techniques with more
cumbersome materials such as flagging and barricade tapes challenged me to
create my own tools. I choose to work with all of these materials because of their