The Passage
Hespera the Night
Charlene Gawa
Artist Statement
My inspiration comes from dream time, the study of mythology and metaphysics. Mythology informs the conscious mind by organizing and interpreting dream images that are universal to humanity and have been in the collective consciousness since the beginning of everything on this planet. The stories and characters in timeless myths and fairy tales are a wellspring of inspiration for me. My work seeks to make visible the archetypal aspects of human experience through multilayered combinations of abstract and realistic elements. My process begins by journaling image ideas and sketches. In doing so I build a tangible relationship with the archetypal character I hope to create. The fabric collage, the initial layer, is a montage of colors and patterns that weave a dreamscape where the figural archetype will exist. I engage with the materials in a kinesthetic, visceral way. Cutting the fabric into shapes and designing the canvas with the shapes and textures gives me a sense of co-creation. I feel I move with the mythos not as the creator but as participant in the reality of the painting. At times I use plaster as the first layer. Applying the plaster with my hands, my entire body moves and shapes the material creating a texture that determines how I approach and describe the image. I loosely sketch the figure in the final layer with oil pastel. Parts of the image are developed, other parts painted over, and in other areas the initial sketch remains untouched. This approach and process creates a pentimento of multilayered facets compressed into one full expression..