Dark Energy 1
Synergy #3, 2023
Darkness is my Closest Friend
Caron G Rand
Artist Statement
Duality, yin & yang permeate every living cell. Life’s undertows bury us cruelly below the surface but if we survive the brutal we rise up a fiery Phoenix of new cells, creating layers of existence. As survivors we challenge the status quo still seeking Utopia on this spinning sphere held up magically in terrifying space spinning 1,000 mph
Opposing energies cannot create synergy yet somehow in this complex design of opposites we seek balance. It’s a constant tug of war. How many times has betrayal been masked in clever disguises? Even our own brains deceptively dance while our eyes miraculously flip upside-down images, a phenomenon we take for granted
We live in a topsy-turvy world, constantly using an imaginary plumb line to set things straight. And in the process of aging our views change as we’re not static beings but morphing energy appearing, disappearing and reappearing with new beliefs and ideas within the swirl of good & evil, love & hate