Millennial Pink or White is a Race, You Know
la sirena de la piscina
Bryn Williams
Artist Statement
I am a self-taught painter of portraits and imagined landscapes. I paint in quick bursts and use acrylics because they allow me to capture the colors and forms I see in the world and the crazy shapes I compose in my mind. In a mad dash, she tries to balance her inner and outer realities. She is me.
My current series is my mic drop.
It’s my attempt to unchain myself from society’s blank stares and dirty looks. I paint to challenge my own opinion of myself and celebrate my brown body- my female body. I paint myself, front and center, loved and freed into a new multiverse.
My work is firmly rooted in the notion of intersectionality. It is a call to action with openness and grace: You and I can stomp patriarchy. We can “peace out” racism. I make my mark with color and love.
We live, we die. I am, we are. We are us again in different packages - at new levels - in new locations. Together.