ExtraTranspulmonary PostSurfactant Catabolism
Ovum St.Wilgefortis
Petri.Culture St.Marina Multiples
Aleksandra Mantelzak
Artist Statement
My work is a tinkering, an assembling and disassembling of biological imagery on its own, and at times with mechanical units. In my arranging and rearranging, I attempt to construct and deconstruct the idea of meaning itself. My aesthetic choices and organic allusions are informed by anatomy; my own sensibilities and heritage; saintly reliquaries; and cabinets of curiosity. My ‘dissections’ result in no premeditated functionality, and no practical purpose is achieved. As I encapsulate and preserve, I am manufacturing meanings and imbuing objects with their own pseudoscientific mythology. I am exploring a space where re-contextualization is possible, purpose can be suspended or re-envisioned at will, and relics of art can come into existence.