Blue State_Red State
Robert’s Dumpster
The Dark Web
Sam Silberstein
Artist Statement
My work is informed by issues that either connect or affect us all as a society. The human condition is influenced by ever changing events and circumstances. As issues that concern me enter my consciousness, I attempt to convert their meaning into form, and my feelings into texture and color. My work is the result of synthesizing some of the developments of our daily lives and morph them into visual statements that are less ephemeral and that perhaps due their permanence, will allow me to revisit them at some point in order to understand them better.
I use materials that connect me to my past and that now form part of my present. I grew up in Mexico where I experienced many of the issues that my work addresses. No remembrance however insignificant it may seem, is without value. I conjure events from my formative years while striving to stay aware of my current circumstances. My work attempts to bridge the gap between memory and whatever path lies ahead.