Continental Plate 1
Continental Plate 2
Continental Plate 2
Liang Zhang
Artist Statement
Most of my works have a relation to nature or dealing with the relation between nature and human. Although human is part of nature, we are different from any other species since we use more tools than them, so that we can have better control of things around us. And I would like to say that’s the contrast between body and mind, organic and artificial, and controlled and uncontrolled. I put most of my vigor on making sculptures and installations, which addresses issues related to the strict regulations and the softness of nature in contemporary society. As I am interested in combing organism and the precise grid system together and the effects of these systems on individuals, I found that the format is not limited to three-dimensional objects, but also the flatter appearance as we can see on screen and paper. This series of work is aimed to transform and simplify a stereo idea into a highly concentrated surface.